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Rob Leatham/Mike Seeklander Classes
THE BIGGER CIRCLE - ADVANCED SHOOTING MECHANICS With Mike Seeklander and Rob Leatham / Casa Grande, AZ
with Michael Seeklander
Instructors: Mike Seeklander and Rob Leatham
MANDATORY Pre-requisites: You may take this class if you are a C class shooter (USPSA), Marksman (IDPA), or can shoot the Bill Wilson 5x5 skills test in under 30 seconds. You may find this test here. If you do NOT meet these, you will NOT be refunded if you are removed from class.
Note!!: Sorry, the Shooting-Performance Spring and AWS discount codes are not valid for this class since it is a combined instructor class.
Course Description: This is a 3 day class with Mike Seeklander, and Rob Leatham! Your foundation is solid, however, new skills still await you. The “Bigger Circle” concept is the key to this course, and this simply means that shooting skill is the answer to the problem you wish to solve. This course does not separate competitive from defensive, but rather focuses on the keys to successfully solving the shooting problem at hand irregardless of sport or task. Taking your skill level to the next level requires a detailed breakdown of the mechanics required to shoot better, and this course will teach you those mechanics.
Class Learning Objectives:
- Advanced High Performance Marksmanship Principles
- Advanced High Performance Manipulation Techniques
- Understanding the Process of "scoring" as a training concept
- Understanding the Visual Performance Concepts
- Training Drill Execution for Maximum Effectiveness
- Keys to Developing Speed
- Balance and Movement Principles
- Mental Toughness
Required Gear:
Serviceable handgun and magazines (2-3) or speed loaders (2-3)
Serviceable handgun carry gear (holster and magazine pouches)
1500 rounds ammunition (*Note, this is an estimated quantity due to the unique flexibility of the program, students may shoot more or less)
Notebook and pen
Personal protective gear (eye and ear protection)
Dummy rounds appropriate for their caliber handgun (10)
Water, snacks, chair, sunscreen, or any other personal comfort items desired.